The innovation design process starts with inspiration. This is the stage of preliminary investigation of the subject area, aiming at building understanding of the problem, as well as defining a mind set, needed for design of a solution.
Based on our previously accumulated knowledge, teaching and researching experience, and collaboration with students and enterprises, we were able to identify some of the challenges the students and business users experience, while learning abstract concepts and implementing complex data structures and processing algorithms.
To discover more, as part of a prestudy, we undertook an extensive review of published resources and best practices in the interdisciplinary area, where big data, data science, and data-driven business meet computer technology, artificial intelligence, and immersive visualization. The review helped us to get knowledgeable about the current state-of-the-art and the major trends in our field.
This stage of our preliminary study ended with definition of the frame of our further work.
We specified our new goals and to narrowed down the scope of our follow-up research and development initiative.